let's join the blog review of psychology

in this blog will address most of the scientific from the standpoint of psychology, may be useful to us all

Monday, January 9, 2012



         (In Yalom, 1975 and Johana, 1994)

  1.  One of the counseling intervention
  2.  More intensive
  3.  More emphasis on emotional experience Corrected
  4.  Members usually have severe emotional problems


  1.  Practical
  2.  Members learn to practice the new behavior
  3.  Groups can be used to learn to express feelings, concerns and experiences
  4.  Members learn social skills, learn more in-depth personal touch
  5.  Opportunity and received in the group


 Not everyone fits in the group
  1.  Counselor's attention more diffuse
  2.  Difficult fostered trust
  3.  Clients expect too much from the group
  4.  The group is not used as a means of practicing to make changes, but as a goal

Most important in counseling / therapy group is a counselor / therapist must have a foundation of theory and trained to lead groups, because it feared making the situation worse


  1.  Become more open and honest with yourself and others
  2.  Learning to trust yourself and others
  3.  Evolve to better accept yourself
  4.  Learning to communicate with others
  5.  Learned to be more familiar with others
  6.  Learning to get along with each other or opposite sex
  7.  Learning to give and receive
  8.  Being sensitive to the feelings and needs of others
  9.  Increase self-awareness, so it will feel more free and assertive in choosing


  1.  Clients in critical condition
  2.  The client is afraid to talk in groups
  3.  The client indicates that deviant behavior
  4.  Clients in a state of acute psychotic
  5.  Clients are very aggressive
  6.  The client is not aware of the feelings, motivations and behavior

According to Yalom (1975) there are 11 curative factors in counseling / therapy groups, namely:

1. Fostering Hope

Client expectations for change will make it last in counseling.Especially when there was a successful as a witness in counseling.

2. Universality

Clients often assume that he himself has a problem and the problem was unique that no one else will ever have. But when the client knows the problems that are also uniquely faced by members of the group, then he will feel he is not alone, not isolated.

3. Lighting

Didactic lighting that can be done by a professional or member. For example, a good way to learn, how to foster self-confidence, mental health topics.

4. Altruism

Counseling / therapy group members receive and impart training. Maybe all this time he thought of himself as a family burden, but in the counseling group she could play an important role for others. He can help, give support, conviction, suggestions on other members, thereby increasing self-esteem, feeling worthless.

5. Repetition Corrective Family of Origin

Counselor, assistant counselor and group members can be viewed as a representation of a client family of origin. Clients like to repeat the experience of his childhood in the family of origin. From here the client will learn new behaviors in dealing with others.

6. Development of Socializing Techniques

Behind the feedback from members will help the client to change his attitude in dealing with others.

7. Mimicking Behavior

Often clients benefit from the observations in the group counseling process. Clients can observe and imitate the way the counselor and anggotalain in attitude, solving the problem.
8. Connecting with Other Personal Learning
Is a microcosmic social groups. If the client can successfully interact well in groups, then this experience can be expected to do outside the group.

9. Sense of Togetherness

Sense of interested members of the group can create a sense of unity, one with the other members could accept each other, so as to form meaningful relationships within the group.

10. Catharsis

Catharsis is a healing factor in the counseling group. Clients come with turbulent emotions, in counseling a client can express it with the help of counselors and other members.

11. Existence

Sometimes there are clients who think that life is unfair and unbalanced. The client then questioned about life and death. In dalamkonseling group topics like this can arise and be discussed. The response and support from other members will be very much helpful.


1. Counseling / therapy in groups

This form is the individual approach is done in a group. During the process of counseling / therapy, other members just be observers.

2. Counseling / therapy with a group

Usually found in groups or group-T intersection. Activity in the group is determined by the members. The counselor acts only as an expert participant.

3. Counseling / therapy on group

This form is more emphasis on the interaction between members. Focus on in-here-and-now ini. this group is more emphasis on helping each other, give support and show the model healthier behaviors. The counselor as a leader to act as observers outside / outside observer, and as a expert participants.


A. Preparation

  1.  Explained to prospective clients about the counseling group
  2.  Responsibility clients in the group
  3.  The advantage gained when joining
  4.  On the day, time, length of meetings
  5.  On the closed and open
After preparation is complete:

1. Personal introductions

2. Agenda: goals to be achieved in the group.

    There are two kinds of agenda: a. Short-Term Agenda, b.Long-term agenda

3. Norma Group

  •  About confidentiality
  •  About the presence
  •  Feedback is for the benefit of other members
  •  The award has been done on what other members

4. Excavation Ideas and Feelings

Before the first meeting ends need to be explored ideas and feelings that muncul.Usul-proposal needs to be accommodated. It is important to maintain a positive sense of group members.

B. Transition

A time of transition between the initial counseling with real counseling. Here the members can be ambivalent. He was reluctant to be open. In such circumstances the required skills as a "leader".

1. Sensitivity of time

  • When to conduct confrontations
  • When to give support
  •  Sensitive to the needs of members at that time.

2. Observation of behavior patterns

  •  Need to pay attention to members who are always time-consuming
  •  Members of the passive
  •  Members who are always criticizing, etc..

3. The introduction of the atmosphere of emotion

The atmosphere of emotion can be identified by their reaction to the atmosphere in dalamkelompok leader. The reaction can be used sebgai leaders feel the atmosphere of the group's emotional barometer.

C. Group Work

 There are interactions within the group members are characterized by high levels of morale and a high sense of ownership of the group anyway.

D. Termination

Here there is an evaluation: what the results achieved so that a wedge-wedge during the counseling process revealed.


1. Create and maintain groups

2. Shape the culture, formed the group into a social system that therapeutic

3. Establishing norms:

   Leaders can serve as

  • Technical expert: how to lead a positive, self-disclosure here and now
  • Modeling: acceptance without assessment, sincerity and willingness to help, accurate empathy and spontaneity


In general, a leader must be full acceptance, attention, empathy, and sincere. Apart from that:

  1. Active listening
  2. Observe
  3. Giving feedback
  4. Connect
  5. Confrontation
  6. Ask
  7. Have the ability to make the illumination process may comment on what happened during the meeting, what stands out, what is special, who is already active, who is still passive.Also put forward what has been done by a member who has not been done before
  8. Be responsible

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